FW: City of McAllen Wants to Prepare Local Businesses for Updated Opening Guidelines

Kevin D. Pagan
Wed, Apr 22, 2020 10:12 PM

Here's where McAllen is in "Pre" Phase 1.

Kevin D. Pagan
City Attorney
City of McAllen, Texas

NOTICE: This electronic mail transmission may contain confidential information (including information protected by the attorney / client privilege) and is intended only for the person(s) named. Any use, copying or disclosure by any other person is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender via e-mail.

From: Xochitl Mora xmora@mcallen.net
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 5:04 PM
Subject: City of McAllen Wants to Prepare Local Businesses for Updated Opening Guidelines

Media Partners:

Press release below and attached.

Additionally, please see two videos below by Mayor Darling regarding the new orders for opening non-essential businesses.

McAllen Mayor Darling Explains New Orders for Non-Essential Businesses for Publichttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1b1CHdWnWA
McAllen Mayor Darling explains to the general public the new orders for the non-essential businesses that will open on Friday, April 24, 2020, based on State...

McAllen Mayor Darling Explains New Orders for Non-Essential Businesses for Ownershttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmrifXoncx4
McAllen Mayor Darling explains new orders for non-essential businesses for owners who want to open on Friday, April 24, 2020, based on State of Texas Governo...

For Immediate Release                                                                                                                      April 22, 2020
Contact:  Xochitl Mora, Office of Communications, O: 681-1202/M: 662-9269/E:  xmora@mcallen.netmailto:xmora@mcallen.net

City of McAllen Wants to Prepare Local Retail Businesses for Updated Opening Guidelines
Must still abide by curbside and social distancing, City of McAllen-approved form required

The City of McAllen would like to help local retail businesses prepare to reopen properly this Friday, April 24, 2020.  Aside from maintaining the same requirements as essential business, including social distancing and mask requirements, these retail businesses can only operate under curb-side, to-go, or online options.  Additionally, all essential businesses and newly re-opened retail businesses will be required to post a City of McAllen Safe Business Phase 1 Re-Opening Commitment form, that states they are abiding by all state, county and local guidelines in their operations.

The form, along with a chart indicating which types of businesses are and are not allowed to operate under the State of Texas Governor Greg Abbott's guidelines, can be obtained at the City of McAllen website at  https://www.mcallen.net/covid19/re-opening.html.

The City of McAllen Safe Business Phase 1 Re-Opening Commitment form must be signed and posted in the business store front.  City of McAllen Health & Code Enforcement officers will be conducting checks to ensure that those non-essential businesses that open-up on Friday are following the proper guidelines and have the commitment forms posted.

For more information regarding the new orders, please contact McAllen's 3-1-1 Customer Service Call Center.


[cid:image010.jpg@01D618C7.F0ECAF10]@cityofmcallen                                    [cid:image011.jpg@01D618C7.F0ECAF10]                                              [cid:image012.jpg@01D618C7.F0ECAF10] McAllen TX

Xochitl Mora
Office of Communications
City of McAllen
O:  (956) 681-1202
M: (956) 662-9269
E:  xmora@mcallen.netmailto:xmora@mcallen.net

[https://www.mcallen.net/images/default-source/default-album/2020-census-logo.png] https://www.mcallen.net/census2020/

Disclaimer: If you are not the intended recipient or have received this e-mail in error, please notify me via return e-mail and telephone at 956-681-3111, and permanently delete and purge the original and any copy thereof. This e-mail, with attachments hereto, if any, is intended only for receipt and use by the addressee(s) named herein, and may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information. Regardless of address or routing, if you are not the intended recipient, then you are hereby notified that any use, copying, reproduction, dissemination, distribution, or transmission of this e-mail, and any attachments hereto, is strictly prohibited. Whereas all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the accuracy and confidentiality of the information and data submitted herein, the City of McAllen and its employees are not liable if information or data is corrupted or does not reach its intended destination.

Here's where McAllen is in "Pre" Phase 1. Kevin D. Pagan City Attorney City of McAllen, Texas NOTICE: This electronic mail transmission may contain confidential information (including information protected by the attorney / client privilege) and is intended only for the person(s) named. Any use, copying or disclosure by any other person is strictly prohibited. If you have received this transmission in error, please notify the sender via e-mail. From: Xochitl Mora <xmora@mcallen.net> Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2020 5:04 PM Subject: City of McAllen Wants to Prepare Local Businesses for Updated Opening Guidelines Media Partners: Press release below and attached. Additionally, please see two videos below by Mayor Darling regarding the new orders for opening non-essential businesses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1b1CHdWnWA [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/d1b1CHdWnWA/maxresdefault.jpg]<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1b1CHdWnWA> McAllen Mayor Darling Explains New Orders for Non-Essential Businesses for Public<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1b1CHdWnWA> McAllen Mayor Darling explains to the general public the new orders for the non-essential businesses that will open on Friday, April 24, 2020, based on State... www.youtube.com<http://www.youtube.com> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmrifXoncx4 [https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZmrifXoncx4/maxresdefault.jpg]<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmrifXoncx4> McAllen Mayor Darling Explains New Orders for Non-Essential Businesses for Owners<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmrifXoncx4> McAllen Mayor Darling explains new orders for non-essential businesses for owners who want to open on Friday, April 24, 2020, based on State of Texas Governo... www.youtube.com<http://www.youtube.com> [cid:image009.jpg@01D618C7.F0ECAF10] www.mcallen.net<http://www.mcallen.net> For Immediate Release April 22, 2020 Contact: Xochitl Mora, Office of Communications, O: 681-1202/M: 662-9269/E: xmora@mcallen.net<mailto:xmora@mcallen.net> City of McAllen Wants to Prepare Local Retail Businesses for Updated Opening Guidelines Must still abide by curbside and social distancing, City of McAllen-approved form required The City of McAllen would like to help local retail businesses prepare to reopen properly this Friday, April 24, 2020. Aside from maintaining the same requirements as essential business, including social distancing and mask requirements, these retail businesses can only operate under curb-side, to-go, or online options. Additionally, all essential businesses and newly re-opened retail businesses will be required to post a City of McAllen Safe Business Phase 1 Re-Opening Commitment form, that states they are abiding by all state, county and local guidelines in their operations. The form, along with a chart indicating which types of businesses are and are not allowed to operate under the State of Texas Governor Greg Abbott's guidelines, can be obtained at the City of McAllen website at https://www.mcallen.net/covid19/re-opening.html. The City of McAllen Safe Business Phase 1 Re-Opening Commitment form must be signed and posted in the business store front. City of McAllen Health & Code Enforcement officers will be conducting checks to ensure that those non-essential businesses that open-up on Friday are following the proper guidelines and have the commitment forms posted. For more information regarding the new orders, please contact McAllen's 3-1-1 Customer Service Call Center. # # # [cid:image010.jpg@01D618C7.F0ECAF10]@cityofmcallen [cid:image011.jpg@01D618C7.F0ECAF10] [cid:image012.jpg@01D618C7.F0ECAF10] McAllen TX Thanks, Xochitl Mora Director Office of Communications City of McAllen O: (956) 681-1202 M: (956) 662-9269 E: xmora@mcallen.net<mailto:xmora@mcallen.net> [https://www.mcallen.net/images/default-source/default-album/2020-census-logo.png] <https://www.mcallen.net/census2020/> Disclaimer: If you are not the intended recipient or have received this e-mail in error, please notify me via return e-mail and telephone at 956-681-3111, and permanently delete and purge the original and any copy thereof. This e-mail, with attachments hereto, if any, is intended only for receipt and use by the addressee(s) named herein, and may contain legally privileged and/or confidential information. Regardless of address or routing, if you are not the intended recipient, then you are hereby notified that any use, copying, reproduction, dissemination, distribution, or transmission of this e-mail, and any attachments hereto, is strictly prohibited. Whereas all reasonable steps have been taken to ensure the accuracy and confidentiality of the information and data submitted herein, the City of McAllen and its employees are not liable if information or data is corrupted or does not reach its intended destination.