List Info Board:

List Stats
Created: Mon, Aug 19, 2019 6:37 PM
Subscribers: 248
Threads: 1239
List Summary
Oklahoma Association of Municipal Attorneys

Welcome to the OAMA listserv. Have a question, an answer to a members question or anything youd like to share? Send it to the listserv to have your voice heard! This listserv is a joint project of the International Municipal Lawyers Association (IMLA, and the Oklahoma Association of Municipal Attorneys (OAMA). This listserv is intended for full time or part time Oklahoma Municipal Attorneys to share ideas, ask questions and develop relationships for advancing municipal law and to enhance the representation of municipal clients. This listserv is a great networking tool for all OAMA members to communicate through a designated email address ( Bear in mind that emails may be public records and also subject to confidentiality limitations under Rule 1.6, so consider using hypotheticals and following up with telephone communications if the issue is sensitive. From time to time IMLA may send information about it, its membership and its programs and we hope that if your city is not a member of IMLA that youll consider joining. Should you have any questions or would like to unsubscribe, please contact Chuck Thompson (, Caroline Storer (, or Kathryn Walker ( ). Welcome to the OAMA Listserv!

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