Heads up ; April 19 Has Become Everyone-Is-a-Threat Day

Pete Haskel
Fri, Apr 17, 2020 9:10 AM

Many of the people who are protesting emergency COVID-19 measures also are sovereign citizens. They may have 4/19 violent plans. I suggest local police intel coordinate with their regional  FBI Joint Anti-Terrorism Task Force if they’ve not already done so.  Pete

“  . . . In the annals of domestic terrorism, April 19 is the day, and for good reason. Twenty years ago, 168 men, women and children were killed in the truck bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. More than 650 others were injured. April 19 is also the anniversary of:

http://phasezero.gawker.com/april-19-has-become-everyone-is-a-threat-day-1698498004 (as of Apr. 17, 2020).

Because we don’t have enough to worry about,

Pete Haskel
pete@ texasmunicipallawyers.com
214-577-9635 cell

Many of the people who are protesting emergency COVID-19 measures also are sovereign citizens. They may have 4/19 violent plans. I suggest local police intel coordinate with their regional FBI Joint Anti-Terrorism Task Force if they’ve not already done so. Pete “ . . . In the annals of domestic terrorism, April 19 is the day, and for good reason. Twenty years ago, 168 men, women and children were killed in the truck bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. More than 650 others were injured. April 19 is also the anniversary of: * the end of the standoff in Waco, Texas<http://vault.fbi.gov/waco-branch-davidian-compound>, where more than 80 “Branch Davidians” and four ATF FBI agents were killed in a 51-day standoff (1993), * the siege of the neo-Nazi group, The Covenant<http://vault.fbi.gov/The%20Covenant%20The%20Sword%20The%20Arm%20of%20the%20Lord%20/The%20Covenant%20The%20Sword%20The%20Arm%20of%20the%20Lord%20Part%201%20of%202/view>, The Sword, and The Arm of the Lord (CSA), which involved 300 federal agents from the FBI and ATF in Arkansas (1985), and * the Battles of Lexington and Concord (1775). . . .” http://phasezero.gawker.com/april-19-has-become-everyone-is-a-threat-day-1698498004 (as of Apr. 17, 2020). Because we don’t have enough to worry about, Pete Haskel pete@ texasmunicipallawyers.com 214-577-9635 cell