IMLA University Cities Summit COVID-19 Presentation

Amanda Kellar
Wed, Jul 8, 2020 7:47 PM

I wanted to alert this group to IMLA's upcoming University Cities Summit, which will include a presentation on COVID 19 Issues for University Cities.  The Summit is fully virtual and will run from 7/27- 7/31 with 1 presentation each day and a couple of virtual networking events.  If any of you represent so-called University Cities, we think this is an excellent opportunity to hear from your colleagues on issues related to policing, Game Day, homelessness, transportation, and of course, as relevant for this group, COVID-19.  The COVID-19 panel will discuss how to address unique issues related to COVID-19 in a University City, such as students returning to school in the fall from all over the country, creating possible virus surges and efforts by cities to mitigate against public health risks versus students not returning and the reduced revenue associated with that scenario. The discussion will include an overview of local government authority, including authority over a university, a review of mask policies and how to enforce them particularly with regard to college students who may have large parties, and also ways you can address financial shortfalls due to COVID with your university.  If you are interested in registering or learning more about the event, click here:


Amanda Kellar
Deputy General Counsel / Director of Legal Advocacy
International Municipal Lawyers Association, Inc.

A 51 Monroe St., Suite 404, Rockville, MD, 20850
[cid:image003.jpg@01D6553F.0F5A3900]  [cid:image004.jpg@01D6553F.0F5A3900]  [cid:image005.jpg@01D6553F.0F5A3900]  [cid:image006.jpg@01D6553F.0F5A3900]
P (202) 466-5424 ext. 7116

W www.imla.org
Plan Ahead!

IMLA's 85th Annual Conference, September 23-27 in La Quinta, CA!
IMLA's 2021 Mid-Year Seminar, April 23-26, 2021 in Washington, DC!

I wanted to alert this group to IMLA's upcoming University Cities Summit, which will include a presentation on COVID 19 Issues for University Cities. The Summit is fully virtual and will run from 7/27- 7/31 with 1 presentation each day and a couple of virtual networking events. If any of you represent so-called University Cities, we think this is an excellent opportunity to hear from your colleagues on issues related to policing, Game Day, homelessness, transportation, and of course, as relevant for this group, COVID-19. The COVID-19 panel will discuss how to address unique issues related to COVID-19 in a University City, such as students returning to school in the fall from all over the country, creating possible virus surges and efforts by cities to mitigate against public health risks versus students not returning and the reduced revenue associated with that scenario. The discussion will include an overview of local government authority, including authority over a university, a review of mask policies and how to enforce them particularly with regard to college students who may have large parties, and also ways you can address financial shortfalls due to COVID with your university. If you are interested in registering or learning more about the event, click here: [photo] Amanda Kellar Deputy General Counsel / Director of Legal Advocacy International Municipal Lawyers Association, Inc. A 51 Monroe St., Suite 404, Rockville, MD, 20850 [cid:image003.jpg@01D6553F.0F5A3900]<> [cid:image004.jpg@01D6553F.0F5A3900] <> [cid:image005.jpg@01D6553F.0F5A3900] <> [cid:image006.jpg@01D6553F.0F5A3900] <> P (202) 466-5424 ext. 7116 W<> Plan Ahead! IMLA's 85th Annual Conference<>, September 23-27 in La Quinta, CA! IMLA's 2021 Mid-Year Seminar<>, April 23-26, 2021 in Washington, DC!