[Younglawyers] Truthfulness in negotiations, etc

Chuck Thompson
Thu, Jan 7, 2016 7:52 PM

Please bear with me as I'd like to pass along a recent ethics opinion (2015-194) issued by the California Bar that provides a wonderful roadmap for how the Rules of Professional Conduct apply to negotiations.  Our Ethics Section discussed this opinion, a case from Maryland involving limitations on candidate speech under Rule 8.2 and 8.4 in judicial campaigns and an opinion out of Texas involving the disqualification of the County Attorney's office in the case of In Re Houston County.  If you or members of your office have an interest in ethics issues let me know and I'll sign you up for the listserv/workgroup.  IMLA has extended its popular $499 price for its full menu of distance learning programs until the end of January.  I think if you look at the schedule you'll find that we cover some of the most important issues in local government law and at $499 the cost of each call works out to less than $10.  Finally, you can still sign up for discounted registrations to our Seminar and annual conference.  Remember this year's Seminar will have a full track on Section 1983 Litigation.  I hope you will join us for these special programs.  To titillate you just a bit, our first webinar is next week and explores the past year in land use.  The speakers are terrific and you won't be disappointed, sign up for the whole year or just for Monday.  Happy New Year.  Chuck
Charles W. Thompson, Jr.
Executive Director and General Counsel
International Municipal Lawyers Association, Inc.
7910 Woodmont Ave., Suite 1440
Bethesda, Maryland 20814
202-466-5424  x7110
Direct: 202-742-1016
Cell: 240-876-6790
Plan ahead:
IMLA's Annual Seminar April 15-18, 2016 - Omni Shoreham, Washington D.C.
IMLA's Annual Conference September 28 - October 2, 2016 - San Diego

Please bear with me as I'd like to pass along a recent ethics opinion (2015-194) issued by the California Bar that provides a wonderful roadmap for how the Rules of Professional Conduct apply to negotiations. Our Ethics Section discussed this opinion, a case from Maryland involving limitations on candidate speech under Rule 8.2 and 8.4 in judicial campaigns and an opinion out of Texas involving the disqualification of the County Attorney's office in the case of In Re Houston County. If you or members of your office have an interest in ethics issues let me know and I'll sign you up for the listserv/workgroup. IMLA has extended its popular $499 price for its full menu of distance learning programs until the end of January. I think if you look at the schedule you'll find that we cover some of the most important issues in local government law and at $499 the cost of each call works out to less than $10. Finally, you can still sign up for discounted registrations to our Seminar and annual conference. Remember this year's Seminar will have a full track on Section 1983 Litigation. I hope you will join us for these special programs. To titillate you just a bit, our first webinar is next week and explores the past year in land use. The speakers are terrific and you won't be disappointed, sign up for the whole year or just for Monday. Happy New Year. Chuck http://ethics.calbar.ca.gov/Portals/9/documents/Opinions/2015-194%20(12-0007)%20Puffing%20in%20Negotiations%20FINAL%2012-29-15.pdf Charles W. Thompson, Jr. Executive Director and General Counsel International Municipal Lawyers Association, Inc. 7910 Woodmont Ave., Suite 1440 Bethesda, Maryland 20814 202-466-5424 x7110 Direct: 202-742-1016 Cell: 240-876-6790 Plan ahead: IMLA's Annual Seminar April 15-18, 2016 - Omni Shoreham, Washington D.C. IMLA's Annual Conference September 28 - October 2, 2016 - San Diego