Dear IMLA Border Communities Working Group:
Thank you for those that were able to join today's call. Here are a few follow-up items per our discussion.
Federal Funding: On March 18, 2021, FEMA awarded $110 million in supplemental humanitarian funding to the National Board for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program. The National Board will award these funds to eligible local nonprofit and governmental organizations and state governmental facilities that have aided, or will aid, individuals and families encountered by the Department of Homeland Security at the southern U.S. border. Local nonprofit, faith-based and governmental entities that have provided, or will provide, humanitarian relief to individuals and families at the southern border with shelter, food and supportive services are eligible to apply. Applications will be completed and submitted to EFSP local boards and the FEMA website indicates that applications will open in mid-April . Here's a link for more information on how to apply and what is eligible for reimbursement:
Attached is Riverside County's Flow Chart coordinating shelter services for families arriving in the County.
Here is an article indicating the City of Long Beach, CA has approved a plan to lease its Convention Center to the federal government to use as an emergency shelter for migrant children:
If you have other updates you would like to share with the group, please pass them along to me and I will circulate them. Our next call will be in 2 weeks, on 4/29 at 2 pm eastern. We will circulate a calendar invite with the zoom link shortly.
Amanda Kellar Karras
Deputy General Counsel /
Director of Legal Advocacy
P: (202) 466-5424 x7116
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51 Monroe St. Suite 404
Rockville, MD, 20850
Plan Ahead!
IMLA's fully virtual 2021 Mid-Year Seminar, April 19-23, 2021!
IMLA's 86th Annual Conference, Sept. 29-Oct. 3, 2021 in Minneapolis, MN!