Materials on disaster and Covid19

Chuck Thompson
Wed, Apr 15, 2020 4:37 PM

I've asked Caroline to load some materials to the Dropbox for your use, give her a couple of hours to get to it as she's really doing the work of about five people right now.  First, let me say that Steve Nick from Eau Claire, Wisconsin sent some information and I dropped the ball in getting it to Caroline earlier.  Really helpful stuff, a warrant application, a petition for court ordered isolation, an isolation order and an affidavit.  Also, I got some great material from Kevin Best who is a municipal attorney in Maryland in which he discusses emergency orders and the battle of jurisdictional authority involving those orders as well as the authority to issue emergency orders.  While these are Maryland centric, many states have similar jurisdictional competitions and I think you'll find them valuable.  I mentioned to Kevin that over the years in Maryland, I had noted that there are some similar battles involving local health boards, discussions of their authority and their interrelationships with the state health department all of which may inform or conflict with an Executive's authority when issuing emergency orders that are health related.  Stay well and I look forward as I know you do to our webinar this afternoon in about 20 minutes.  Chuck


Charles W. Thompson, Jr.
Executive Director/General Counsel
International Municipal Lawyers Association, Inc.

A 51 Monroe St., Suite 404, Rockville, MD 20850
[cid:image013.jpg@01D61322.A2CA6FC0]  [cid:image014.jpg@01D61322.A2CA6FC0]  [cid:image015.png@01D61322.A2CA6FC0]  [cid:image016.jpg@01D61322.A2CA6FC0]
P (202) 466-5424 ext. 7110      M (240) 876-6790
D (202) 742-1016

W www.imla.org
IMLA's 2020 Virtual Mid-Year Seminar, April 20-24!
IMLA's 85th Annual Conference, September 23-27 in Riverside County, CA!

I've asked Caroline to load some materials to the Dropbox for your use, give her a couple of hours to get to it as she's really doing the work of about five people right now. First, let me say that Steve Nick from Eau Claire, Wisconsin sent some information and I dropped the ball in getting it to Caroline earlier. Really helpful stuff, a warrant application, a petition for court ordered isolation, an isolation order and an affidavit. Also, I got some great material from Kevin Best who is a municipal attorney in Maryland in which he discusses emergency orders and the battle of jurisdictional authority involving those orders as well as the authority to issue emergency orders. While these are Maryland centric, many states have similar jurisdictional competitions and I think you'll find them valuable. I mentioned to Kevin that over the years in Maryland, I had noted that there are some similar battles involving local health boards, discussions of their authority and their interrelationships with the state health department all of which may inform or conflict with an Executive's authority when issuing emergency orders that are health related. Stay well and I look forward as I know you do to our webinar this afternoon in about 20 minutes. Chuck [cid:image012.png@01D61322.A2CA6FC0] Charles W. Thompson, Jr. Executive Director/General Counsel International Municipal Lawyers Association, Inc. A 51 Monroe St., Suite 404, Rockville, MD 20850 [cid:image013.jpg@01D61322.A2CA6FC0]<> [cid:image014.jpg@01D61322.A2CA6FC0] <> [cid:image015.png@01D61322.A2CA6FC0] <> [cid:image016.jpg@01D61322.A2CA6FC0] <> P (202) 466-5424 ext. 7110 M (240) 876-6790 D (202) 742-1016 W<> Plan Ahead! JOIN OUR VIRTUALSEMINAR - SIGN UP NOW IMLA's 2020 Virtual Mid-Year Seminar, April 20-24! IMLA's 85th Annual Conference<>, September 23-27 in Riverside County, CA!