IMLA COVID-19 Working Group

Amanda Karras
Tue, Oct 5, 2021 12:28 PM

Good morning IMLA COVID-19 Working Group:

We have a question from a member as to how self-insured local governments are responding to worker's compensation claims arising from COVID cases in states where there is no legislative presumption of coverage- i.e. claims the employee contracted COVID due to exposure at work but the state has not addressed any presumption of exposure for certain jobs.  Please send me your responses directly to and I will pass them along.



Amanda Kellar Karras
Deputy General Counsel /
Director of Legal Advocacy
P: (202) 466-5424 x7116
[facebook icon][twitter icon][linkedin icon]

51 Monroe St. Suite 404
Rockville, MD, 20850
Plan Ahead!
IMLA's 86th Annual Conference, Sept. 29-Oct. 3, 2021 in Minneapolis, MN!

Good morning IMLA COVID-19 Working Group: We have a question from a member as to how self-insured local governments are responding to worker's compensation claims arising from COVID cases in states where there is no legislative presumption of coverage- i.e. claims the employee contracted COVID due to exposure at work but the state has not addressed any presumption of exposure for certain jobs. Please send me your responses directly to<> and I will pass them along. Thanks, Amanda Amanda Kellar Karras Deputy General Counsel / Director of Legal Advocacy P: (202) 466-5424 x7116 Email: [facebook icon]<>[twitter icon]<>[linkedin icon]<> [logo]<> 51 Monroe St. Suite 404 Rockville, MD, 20850<> Plan Ahead! IMLA's 86th Annual Conference<>, Sept. 29-Oct. 3, 2021 in Minneapolis, MN!
Amanda Karras
Tue, Oct 5, 2021 12:53 PM

My apologies for the second email.  Please send responses to me directly at

Amanda Kellar Karras
Deputy General Counsel /
Director of Legal Advocacy
P: (202) 466-5424 x7116
[facebook icon][twitter icon][linkedin icon]

51 Monroe St. Suite 404
Rockville, MD, 20850
Plan Ahead!
IMLA's 86th Annual Conference, Sept. 29-Oct. 3, 2021 in Minneapolis, MN!

From: Amanda Karras
Sent: Tuesday, October 5, 2021 8:28 AM
Subject: [Disasterrelief] IMLA COVID-19 Working Group

Good morning IMLA COVID-19 Working Group:

We have a question from a member as to how self-insured local governments are responding to worker's compensation claims arising from COVID cases in states where there is no legislative presumption of coverage- i.e. claims the employee contracted COVID due to exposure at work but the state has not addressed any presumption of exposure for certain jobs.  Please send me your responses directly to and I will pass them along.



Amanda Kellar Karras
Deputy General Counsel /
Director of Legal Advocacy
P: (202) 466-5424 x7116
[facebook icon][twitter icon][linkedin icon]

51 Monroe St. Suite 404
Rockville, MD, 20850
Plan Ahead!
IMLA's 86th Annual Conference, Sept. 29-Oct. 3, 2021 in Minneapolis, MN!

My apologies for the second email. Please send responses to me directly at<>. Amanda Kellar Karras Deputy General Counsel / Director of Legal Advocacy P: (202) 466-5424 x7116 Email: [facebook icon]<>[twitter icon]<>[linkedin icon]<> [logo]<> 51 Monroe St. Suite 404 Rockville, MD, 20850<> Plan Ahead! IMLA's 86th Annual Conference<>, Sept. 29-Oct. 3, 2021 in Minneapolis, MN! From: Amanda Karras <> Sent: Tuesday, October 5, 2021 8:28 AM To: Subject: [Disasterrelief] IMLA COVID-19 Working Group Good morning IMLA COVID-19 Working Group: We have a question from a member as to how self-insured local governments are responding to worker's compensation claims arising from COVID cases in states where there is no legislative presumption of coverage- i.e. claims the employee contracted COVID due to exposure at work but the state has not addressed any presumption of exposure for certain jobs. Please send me your responses directly to<> and I will pass them along. Thanks, Amanda Amanda Kellar Karras Deputy General Counsel / Director of Legal Advocacy P: (202) 466-5424 x7116 Email:<> [facebook icon]<>[twitter icon]<>[linkedin icon]<> [logo]<> 51 Monroe St. Suite 404 Rockville, MD, 20850<> Plan Ahead! IMLA's 86th Annual Conference<>, Sept. 29-Oct. 3, 2021 in Minneapolis, MN!