Good afternoon:
Please find attached a short FAQ issued by OMB related to the freeze / pause in federal financial assistance. I'll continue to pass along information as I learn about it.
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Amanda Karras (she/her)
Executive Director / General Counsel
International Municipal Lawyers Association
P: (202) 466-5424 x7116
D: (202) 742-1018
51 Monroe St. Suite 404 Rockville, MD, 20850
Plan Ahead! See IMLA's upcoming events, calls and programming.
Good afternoon:
Please find attached a short FAQ issued by OMB related to the freeze / pause in federal financial assistance. I'll continue to pass along information as I learn about it.
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Amanda Karras (she/her)
Executive Director / General Counsel
International Municipal Lawyers Association
P: (202) 466-5424 x7116
D: (202) 742-1018
51 Monroe St. Suite 404 Rockville, MD, 20850
Plan Ahead! See IMLA's upcoming events<>, calls and programming.