New Paper on Congestion Pricing and Low Emissions Zones

Amy E. Turner
Fri, Feb 14, 2020 9:02 PM

Hello IMLA/Climate Group,

I hope all is well. I'm writing to share with you a draft paper
written on congestion pricing and low emissions zones (together I'm calling
them "Low Traffic Zones" or "LTZs") in the U.S. law context (if you don't
want to wade through the whole thing, a summary blog post
here). The final version will be published in the Environmental Law
Reporter in April. I hope you find it helpful, and I'd be happy to
continue the discussion about this sometime soon.

Have a great weekend!


Amy E. Turner
Senior Fellow, Cities Climate Law Initiative
Associate Research Scholar
Sabin Center for Climate Change Law
Columbia Law School
435 West 116th Street, New York, NY 10027
Email: |  Phone: (212) 854-3268

Hello IMLA/Climate Group, I hope all is well. I'm writing to share with you a draft paper <> I've written on congestion pricing and low emissions zones (together I'm calling them "Low Traffic Zones" or "LTZs") in the U.S. law context (if you don't want to wade through the whole thing, a summary blog post <> is here). The final version will be published in the Environmental Law Reporter in April. I hope you find it helpful, and I'd be happy to continue the discussion about this sometime soon. Have a great weekend! Best, Amy *Amy E. Turner* Senior Fellow, Cities Climate Law Initiative Associate Research Scholar Sabin Center for Climate Change Law Columbia Law School 435 West 116th Street, New York, NY 10027 Email: | Phone: (212) 854-3268