NYTimes: Trump Has Emergency Powers We Aren’t Allowed to Know About

Pete Haskel
Sat, Apr 11, 2020 1:30 PM

Trump Has Emergency Powers We Aren’t Allowed to Know About
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/10/opinion/trump-coronavirus-emergency-powers.html?referringSource=articleShare (as of Apr. 11, 2020).

Pete Haskel
pete@ texasmunicipallawyers.com
214-577-9635 cell

Trump Has Emergency Powers We Aren’t Allowed to Know About https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/10/opinion/trump-coronavirus-emergency-powers.html?referringSource=articleShare (as of Apr. 11, 2020). Pete Haskel pete@ texasmunicipallawyers.com 214-577-9635 cell
Brett Kriger
Sat, Apr 11, 2020 3:10 PM

The powers of the federal government to act domestically in an emergency started to expand during the Cold War and were developed to have a post nuclear attack command and control system.  The ten FEMA regional operations centers are part of that system and predate FEMA.

The system is very well known and put in place by Congress.  It's actually the basis of the black helicopter conspiracy theories, books and movies.

There are many thousands of pages of laws, regulations, manuals and procedures that every federal agency and state emergency management agency is part of.  It started off as the Civil Preparedness Agency, evolved to Civil Defense and is now DHS/FEMA.

Seems odd to me to get excited about a system that is over 70 years old. It was a "SECRET" program/system then and still is.

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From: Disasterrelief disasterrelief-bounces@lists.imla.org on behalf of Pete Haskel pete@texasmunicipallawyers.com
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2020 8:30:14 AM
To: CityAttorneyTech google cityattorneytech@googlegroups.com; disasterrelief@lists.imla.org Disaster Relief List disasterrelief@lists.imla.org
Subject: [Disasterrelief] NYTimes: Trump Has Emergency Powers We Aren’t Allowed to Know About

Trump Has Emergency Powers We Aren’t Allowed to Know About
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/10/opinion/trump-coronavirus-emergency-powers.html?referringSource=articleShare (as of Apr. 11, 2020).

Pete Haskel
pete@ texasmunicipallawyers.com
214-577-9635 cell

The powers of the federal government to act domestically in an emergency started to expand during the Cold War and were developed to have a post nuclear attack command and control system. The ten FEMA regional operations centers are part of that system and predate FEMA. The system is very well known and put in place by Congress. It's actually the basis of the black helicopter conspiracy theories, books and movies. There are many thousands of pages of laws, regulations, manuals and procedures that every federal agency and state emergency management agency is part of. It started off as the Civil Preparedness Agency, evolved to Civil Defense and is now DHS/FEMA. Seems odd to me to get excited about a system that is over 70 years old. It was a "SECRET" program/system then and still is. Get Outlook for Android<https://aka.ms/ghei36> ________________________________ From: Disasterrelief <disasterrelief-bounces@lists.imla.org> on behalf of Pete Haskel <pete@texasmunicipallawyers.com> Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2020 8:30:14 AM To: CityAttorneyTech google <cityattorneytech@googlegroups.com>; disasterrelief@lists.imla.org Disaster Relief List <disasterrelief@lists.imla.org> Subject: [Disasterrelief] NYTimes: Trump Has Emergency Powers We Aren’t Allowed to Know About Trump Has Emergency Powers We Aren’t Allowed to Know About https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/10/opinion/trump-coronavirus-emergency-powers.html?referringSource=articleShare (as of Apr. 11, 2020). Pete Haskel pete@ texasmunicipallawyers.com 214-577-9635 cell